
All kinds of new digital products — mobile, web, or multi-platform solutions — that have enabled the media to explore new aspects of digital business or revolutionize the way they present their digital products, services, or content, using innovative ideas and high performance.

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The Digital Design of the Year category focuses on the overall design of a piece of content, such as newsletters, individual articles, article series, portal categories, portal redesign, or the design of any other online destination.

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The Best Media Feature category focuses on specific parts of existing products that have been significantly improved or innovated. This can include various aspects of media products, such as new functionalities, user experience improvements, technological innovations, or features that transform the way users consume media content.

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Today’s media landscape has no shortage of native advertising campaigns — in every media type — but some of them keep reader attention for a longer period. This category will award the native campaign or series that did this best. Special attention is given to innovative format uses.

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Big and small stories in digital media can come with different goals, and can be presented in different ways. This category seeks those who clearly set out to impact society, and can show how they did it. The emphasis is on content, and more precisely on its creation — text, video, survey, quiz, etc., but with an accomplished goal of societal impact.

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